My wife and I experienced a shocking miracle this week, to do with the jail ministry. It was like the LORD struck me with (His) lightening, and showed me the impossible. I don’t feel I can give specifics, and I do not feel the LORD urging me to either. If you knew its nature, you’d understand that it’s best not to share details. But let me tell you a little about what happened.

A few days before this miracle, I came across this passage from page 32 of the book, Heavenly Man. Heavenly Man is a book that KJM has widely distributed to the jail inmates, due to one of our KJM team members donating a large number of brand-new copies—praise Jesus! But this passage (see below) on page 32 really struck me. I have had some miracles in my walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:25), that felt to me a lot like this story from Heavenly Man, about a young girl of an underground house churches in China, walking home from church in the dead of night, amidst many dangers:

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

~Psalm 119:105

So, the LORD preoccupied me with this passage from Heavenly Man a few days before this miracle I referred to above happened (which would be Sunday-Tuesday of this past week). And then the miracle I referred to above happened. This miracle had precisely the same feeling, and the same “structure” (for lack of better words), and the same impact deep within me, as the way the lamp story above had. They each had the same feeling of the way GOD’s power was presented to me through the miracle. In different words, GOD’s power was revealed, and it was revealed in His actions, and His actions so remined me of the woman with the following the lamp.

It felt like the LORD was speaking to me, as if He said,

“Here Jeff, look at this story from China, and get ready for your own world to be brought into deep peace by GOD’s revelation.”


Jeff Grupp

Lead Chaplain, Founder, Kalamazoo Jail Ministry