Something amazing has happened inside the jail. There is an inmate in the jail who is known outside of jail for being a disturbing racist. These tendencies slip-out while while the inmate is inside the jail, too. It is not a pretty thing to see. During this inmate’s time in the jail, the inmate has developed a very serious neurological disease. I don’t want to give too many details so to keep the identity of this person confidential, but it is a serious situation. A few months ago, I learned that this inmate’s time of being released was looming. I started calling around, trying to find a place that could take this inmate, as this inmate cannot be put on the streets, and instead needs to go and live in a constant-care situation–which I learned was not easy to find. It takes money and resources, and it was hard to find openings. I gave up looking about two months ago.
Then a month ago, I prayed and started the hunt for a solution again. I went and talked to the nurses in the jail’s medical wing, where this inmate was housed, and they said they didn’t know of a solution yet, and that they were working on one also. The nurses gave me a list of all the places in Kalamazoo that help people with disabilities. I “randomly” picked one and called. On the first call that I made I was told to call ISK, who I was told may be the only place in town that could help this inmate. I called ISK, and they gave me a name of someone specific to call from their office, and who might be able to solve this issue. I called this person, and they told me they worked in the jail.
“Really?” I said in response.
They had just started two days earlier.
“Wow,” I thought to myself.
Now, this person from ISK was the opposite skin color as the racist inmate. I thought to myself, “Oh brother, how is this going to work? Is this inmate going to act racist to people that are trying to help the inmate?”
I met with the ISK worker that day, inside the medical wing inside the jail. I was still amazed that the person I needed to help was already in the jail, and ready to see me about this issue. I opened up to the ISK and explained how this is a tough situation, but that I hoped we all could just rise-above, and know that this person needs help. The ISK worker looked at me with little reaction, and no emotion or response–neither a smile nor scowl or anything. I thought that was interesting. I liked that.
A week went by, I saw the ISK worker again, I asked what was going on.
“No news yet,” I was told.
Another week went by and then I saw the ISK worker again.
“Nothing yet,” I was told again.
Then two more weeks went by, and the LORD prompted me to remember to reach out to the ISK worker to find out what is going on. So, two days ago I emailed the ISK worker, and then received a prompt response:
And here is a picture of my response:
Notice that I spelled “kindness” with a capital K.