I was at a popular cell on the B West wing of the jail yesterday. It is a favorite stop for many of the KJM team. This cell has some of the strongest believers you’ll ever meet. The men in this cell have been the subject of multiple of our weekly KJM email blasts that we send out each week. I was standing at their cell yesterday telling these men, who have all been in the same room for about a year, of how much ministry they’ve done, and that GOD has done through them–all from within that enclosed, locked room! I said: 

The guys just kind of sat there with peaceful smiles in their faces, as if pondering what I was saying. I don’t think they’d thought of these points before. I believe they thought ministry, for them, was in the future, and was for a time when they are released from jail, mostly in the future, and I don’t think they were realizing that they were being used for intense and widespread ministry already. I further said to them:

This is what we call epicenter ministry: the jail is the epicenter, where the LORD does powerful works in the lives of the poorest of Kalamazoo County who are inside the jail, and where those epicenter Jesus-events spread all over the County, lifting up people into joy, and giving people hope that they did not have before.

Praise GOD for the four men in the first cell on the right on the B West wing, and for all that the LORD has done with them, and through them. How they have inspired me, and the entire KJM team: how GOD’s love in them has helped bring us joy, light, and power.


Jeff Grupp

Lead Chaplain, Founder, Kalamazoo Jail Ministry