Every day of the week, the Kalamazoo Jail Ministry visits with, fellowships with, ministers to, and prays with, every inmate in the Kalamazoo County Jail. Praise Jesus! Only if they refuse ministry do we not get to them. The ministry to the poorest is drenched in GOD’s miracles, revelation, joy, and His presence. This is a picture of our Kalamazoo Jail Ministry office, underneath the Kalamazoo County Jail.
Welcome to our office.
We are blessed that the jail allows us this space. Praise GOD!
In addition to daily ministry at the jail cells, Kalamazoo Jail Ministry operations involve the following:
- Local churches come into the jail to deliver church services (every other Sunday).
- Individual and group Bible studies with the jail inmates.
- Crossroads Prison Ministries (cpministries.org) Bible study is made available to every inmate.
- Supplying daily devotionals, made available to every inmate. Currently we are using Oswald Chambers’, My Utmost for His Highest, and Into the Net, by Chuck Porte
- Supplying Bibles, appropriate and relevant books from our KJM Library, ear plugs, board games, playing cards, paper and short pencils, envelopes, mini-calendars, and other items to the inmates.
- The KJM Library
- Inmate aftercare: KJM takes all fundraising over our operations costs, and we give it back to the jail inmates and their families, with extra emphasis on helping inmates get on their feet when they are released.
- Movie night. Recent movies shown: One Life At at Time, Facing the Giants, Divine Influencer, Faith’s Song, .
- Weekly Bible study, with multiple local Kalamazoo pastors
These are our desk areas, inside of the Kalamazoo Jail Ministry office. In the distance is the community space of our KJM office, where we hold meetings, have prayer time, and have materials set out (books, Bibles, devotionals, etc.) for officers, community mental health workers, and others, to gather as needed for the jail inmates (or for themselves, if needed).